
Duitser hoest Coronavirus naar voorheen paradijselijke Canarische Eilanden: La Gomera nu officieel besmet.

1 February 2020 11:13


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“One of the five German tourists who remained under observation on the island of La Gomera yesterday became the first confirmed case of coronavirus in Spain. Two of them had maintained contact with a person who developed the disease and showed symptoms of the infection, so they were confined to the Virgen de Guadalupe hospital. The analysis of the samples sent to the Carlos III Health Institute in Madrid corroborated the presence of the virus, as reported last night by the Ministry of Health.

The five tourists remained isolated since Wednesday afternoon, hours after the German government alerted the Spanish authorities that two people who had traveled to La Gomera had previously been in contact with a coronavirus sufferer in their country. The two tourists were located in the municipality of Hermigua, where they shared a house with three other compatriots. The protocol was immediately activated, entering the five in isolation and extracting samples for shipment to Madrid.”


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