
Groot celebrities met corona-overzicht.

2 April 2020 15:48

The CDC guidelines put in place to curb the coronavirus pandemic have sent a ripple effect of delays and cancellations across the entertainment industry and have put the world of professional sports virtually on hold. With over 800,000 cases of the virus worldwide, celebrities and civilians alike are hunkering down at home and bracing for a growing number of diagnoses. On March 11, Tom Hanks announced that he and his wife, actress Rita Wilson, caught the virus while traveling in Australia for work, marking Hollywood’s first high-profile case of the outbreak. Other actors, such as Idris Elba and Daniel Dae Kim, soon followed with their respective diagnosis experiences. As the highly contagious virus spreads, those in the public eye afflicted with coronavirus, who often have access to testing through private physicians, are urging fans and followers to self-isolate. Tragically, the death toll continues to rise. Here are all the celebrities who have tested positive for the coronavirus so far.

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