
‘Opnieuw beroep ingesteld tegen vergunning biomassacentrale Vattenfall’

10 June 2020 10:04



“De centrale gaat gestookt worden op hout uit de Baltische landen, de VS en Canada, als het aan Vattenfall ligt, in plaats van het schonere en goedkopere aardgas waarop de bestaande centrale van Vattenfall nu draait. Vattenfall en de provincie blijven tegen beter weten in stug volhouden dat dit de opwarming van de aarde zal verminderen. Dit ondanks dat ruim 800 Europese wetenschappers vorig jaar nog aan de bel trokken met de conclusie dat de opwarming en dus de klimaatverandering er alleen maar door wordt versterkt. Het meest gerespecteerde wetenschappelijke orgaan van de EU (Easac) gaf vorig jaar en onlangs opnieuw zeer gedetailleerde kritiek op de Nederlandse plannen voor biomassacentrales.

Afgelopen zaterdag schreef een grote groep van bewonersorganisaties, wetenschappers en onafhankelijke milieuorganisaties uit binnen- en buitenland een brandbrief aan de SER met het dringende verzoek het kabinet te adviseren om de overheidssubsidies voor grootschalige houtverbranding per onmiddellijk af te schaffen.”


Overige ref:

Serious mismatches continue between science and policy in forest bioenergy


In recent years, the production of pellets derived from forestry biomass to replace coal for electricity generation has been increasing, with over 10 million tonnes traded internationally—primarily between United States and Europe but with an increasing trend to Asia. Critical to this trade is the classification of woody biomass as ‘renewable energy’ and thus eligible for public subsidies. However, much scientific study on the net effect of this trend suggests that it is having the opposite effect to that expected of renewable energy, by increasing atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide for substantial periods of time. This review, based on recent work by Europe’s Academies of Science, finds that current policies are failing to recognize that removing forest carbon stocks for bioenergy leads to an initial increase in emissions. Moreover, the periods during which atmospheric CO2 levels are raised before forest regrowth can reabsorb the excess emissions are incompatible with the urgency of reducing emissions to comply with the objectives enshrined in the Paris Agreement. We consider how current policy might be reformed to reduce negative impacts on climate and argue for a more realistic science‐based assessment of the potential of forest bioenergy in substituting for fossil fuels. The length of time atmospheric concentrations of CO2 increase is highly dependent on the feedstocks and we argue for regulations to explicitly require these to be sources with short payback periods. Furthermore, we describe the current United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change accounting rules which allow imported biomass to be treated as zero emissions at the point of combustion and urge their revision to remove the risk of these providing incentives to import biomass with negative climate impacts. Reforms such as these would allow the industry to evolve to methods and scales which are more compatible with the basic purpose for which it was designed.

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