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Current Population is Three Times the Sustainable Level
Global Footprint Network data shows that humanity uses the equivalent of 1.75 planet Earths to provide the renewable resources we use and absorb our waste.1 If all 7+ billion of us were to enjoy a European standard of living – which is about 60% the consumption of the average American – the Earth could sustainably support only about 2 to 3 billion people.
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How many people can our planet really support?
We do not know if today’s population of seven billion is remotely sustainable, or what the limit is
Overpopulation. It is a word that makes politicians wince, and is often described as the “elephant in the room” in discussions about the future of the planet.
You often hear people citing overpopulation as the single biggest threat to the Earth. But can we really single out population growth in this way? Are there really too many people on our planet?
It is clear to all of us that the planet is not expanding. There is only so much space on Earth, not to mention only so many resources – food, water and energy – that can support a human population. So a growing human population must pose some kind of a threat to the wellbeing of planet Earth, mustn’t it?
(Foto: bewerkt screenshot unep.net carrying_capacity pdf)
https://na.unep.net/geas/archive/pdfs/geas_jun_12_carrying_capacity.pdf (2012)