Linkse filosoof Maarten Boudry: Zonne- en windenergie extreem onrendabel, neem gewoon kernenergie.
13 February 2019
Due to unreliabiliy of solar and wind, electricity prices in “green” Germany and California have risen sharply, with zero emission gains. Please STOP citing the diminishing costs of renewables per kWh. It’s highly misleading. @ShellenbergerMD at @Forbes.
Now compare with France, which produces 88% of its electricity from zero-carbon nuclear power. On top of that, their electricity is much cheaper than in Germany. France should be the shining beacon for environmentalists, not Germany. /2
Here’s the graph of Germany’s emissions. Since the beginning of the Energiewende in 2010, emissions have remained more or less flat, despite the enormous investments in renewables. See the concurrent drop in nuclear power. Am I missing something here? /3