Lijst met vrouwelijke actiefilmhelden voor feministen die doen alsof ze niet bestaan.
27 February 2019
”Captain Marvel is already going down in flames even before its release date, and Disney, media outlets, and now even Rotten Tomatoes itself, are pulling out all the stops in order to make it appear that the movie is more popular with moviegoers than it actually is.”
”Meanwhile, the press and feminist activists are acting like this movie is smashing a glass ceiling. The first of its kind, and a door opening to a Hollywood where female superhero/action hero leads can finally exist.
Only, like the artificial hype for Captain Marvel, this too is a fantasy. It’s a fantasy they need to push in order to make Captain Marvel seem more important in the annals of movie history than it actually is, but women have been celebrated in action leads for a long, long time.”