Cioccolanti claims the timing of the blood moons and Trump’s life and presidency are significant. As he pointed out in his YouTube video, President Trump was born during a blood moon in 1946, and the last blood moon on Jan. 20-21 this year came at the mid-way point of Trump’s first term in office. Further prophetic significance could also be derived from the “Super Blue Blood Moon” which occurred the day after Trump’s first State of the Union Address, wrote CBN News.
Cioccolanti explained that God will use signs such as these when he wants to confirm something, siting the star of Bethlehem as a widely-accepted example.
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Australische voorganger wijst op vervulde profetie omdat Trump is geboren tijdens een ‘bloedmaan’
BLOEDMANEN onthullen het patroon. Bekijk de video (MILJOEN VIEWS) waarin de Australische (?) voorganger het allemaal uitlegt: