
‘Coronavirus outbreak is a major test. So far, we’ve seen panic and politicization of an epidemic’.

22 February 2020 16:40


The University of New Haven offers four expert professors for comment on the impact of the Coronavirus from travel and tourism, financial, public health, and technology perspectives.

Jan Louise Jones, Ph.D., lecturer on travel and tourism in the College of Business, discussed the impact of travel and tourism in Yahoo News! “Many governments don’t have a firm understanding of how to contain the spread of the coronavirus yet, that’s why some countries are taking such drastic measures”.

Dr. Jones has been interviewed on Global News TV in Canada on the impact of recent developments on global tourism.

Vahid Behzadan, Ph.D., assistant professor from the Tagliatela College of Engineering, was quoted on “My research group is collaborating in developing methods for enhancement of vaccination strategies leveraging recent advances in AI, particularly in reinforcement learning technique.”

Summer Johnson McGee, Ph.D., CPH, dean of the School of Health Sciences, says “The coronavirus outbreak is a major test of our global public health infrastructure and response. So far, we’ve seen panic and politicization of an epidemic that isn’t helpful and could even be harmful for the global economy. Americans should be prudent in terms of not traveling to infected areas, not panicked. We have much more to fear from our seasonal influenza deaths and illness than from this virus half way around the world.”

Dr. McGee has commented on the Affordable Health Care Act on CNBC.

Patrick Gourley, Ph.D., assistant professor of economics and business analyst in the College of Business, has a financial perspective on the coronavirus. “Two crucial mechanisms will decide the economic impact of the coronavirus – scope and uncertainty. The first is straightforward. China is the key player in the international supply chain for thousands upon thousands of goods. ‘Made in China’ has become so ubiquitous it is the expectation for many of the durable products American consumers buy on a daily basis. The quarantine over the Wuhan area in China has the potential to disrupt many of these supply chains depending on its geographical size and duration.”

“The second, and more nebulous concern, is uncertainty in the financial markets. Thus far, China appears to be more forthcoming than they were during the 2002 SARS outbreak. The genome of the coronavirus has already been sequenced, and China has learned that cooperation and transparency are in their long-term interest. At the same time, there is still a question of how transparent China is willing to be. Until the disease appears to be waning, financial markets may pause, especially regarding companies that depend on China for production.”

Dr. Gourley has been quoted in the Washington Examiner and Inside Higher Ed.

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